NEW: Understanding the Autistic Mind - a project of the Autistic Community
The link below is to volume 1 of a brand new, free resource on ‘Understanding the Autistic Mind’. It’s been put together by Autistic Advocates and organizations including Neuroclastic, to help parents, carers, educators, EVERYONE learn the real, current, true facts about Autism. It is beautifully presented and full of helpful analogies. Please read and share this excellent resource and look out for volume 2...
Autism Spectrum Conditions Information Pack
This is a list of information on the services available to autistic adults and their carers living in West Sussex. It has been kindly shared with us by West Sussex Neurodevelopmental Service, part of the NHS Sussex Partnership Trust. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information provided is fully up to date, please ensure you speak to the relevant service providers to clarify their current offering.
West Sussex ASD Mental Health Quality Check
A report published in 2013 which highlights the need for autism training in mental health services in West Sussex.
Women and Autism YouTube videos
We are delighted that one of our long standing Aspie Trainers, Anna, has kindly shared some video footage she put together discussing her personal experiences and opinions on Autism in Women.
1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4mEjlGdKvc&t=338s