
Many thanks for a stimulating course yesterday. Some very worthwhile aspects such as communication and meltdowns were covered which I had not seen covered in that much detail before. I will pass the details of your training sessions on to the relevant people here.
Susan Kerby
Librarian, Seaford College

All my volunteers have come back to me and reported that they found it fascinating and an excellent learning experience for them all. Mark was engaging and my volunteers all felt he was bold, interesting and fun.
Barry Carter
Advice Session Supervisor, Central & South Sussex Citizens Advice

The session you presented was by far the most talked about and engaging. I sat in on the first session and found it very interesting and so informative. It really does give you an insight into the way people have to manage their lives and what we take for granted.
There was no negative feedback on any of the sessions. The icebreaker and the activities the group carried out were so thought provoking it has really given my staff an awareness that I think could only be gained from hearing from a first person perspective. My team were able to identify with the young people’s behaviour they observe. The feedback clearly shows a better understanding and an appreciation of what they are dealing with on a daily bases.
Here are some of the quotes form my team;
“I have a better understanding of how hard it can be for pupils”
“I have learnt what some of these children are coping with”
“Be mindful of the children’s autism”
“Appreciate the struggles and problems they have”
Your delivery made the session very relaxing and people felt they could ask question about their observations and understanding. I would strongly recommend this session to anyone who deals with preparing and serving meals or who support young people during meal times. I would be keen to look at communication if we were able to run another Development Day as I know this is an area which may help my team in the future.
Helen Turner
Senior Catering Officer for West Sussex County Council

Really interesting discussion points. Great for awareness and how to put into practice. Very open & conversational. Questions welcomed.

Really informative and eye opening. I would like more information and training!! Please!
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