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Aspie Trainers
Apr 23, 20182 min read
Regarding recent revelations about Hans Asperger
I find my routine and my sleep disrupted this evening because I foolishly decided to look at an article written by Kate Connolly for The...
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Aspie Trainers
Jan 16, 20185 min read
All the signs were there, so why was I missed? Part 2
Last week, I outlined the possible reasons why my autism was overlooked in childhood. In this post, I will list the autistic signs I...
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Aspie Trainers
Jan 9, 20184 min read
All the signs were there, so why was I missed? Part 1
As a child growing up, I displayed all the key signs of autism, yet the school called me “an enigma” and were confounded by my...
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Aspie Trainers
Nov 7, 20175 min read
Autism and Identity
There is a lot of stigma and misleading stereotypes surrounding autism. To name a few, that people with autism lack empathy, can’t be...
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Aspie Trainers
Sep 12, 20175 min read
Interests: How they help me, and why they sometimes don't.
Autistic people often get very interested in particular subjects or activities, which take up a lot of their time. My interests include:...
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Aspie Trainers
Sep 5, 20172 min read
Is it ice cream, or mashed potato?
Recently, there appears to have been a trend on food television programmes involving dishes which appear to be something which they are...
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Aspie Trainers
Sep 5, 20174 min read
Getting Diagnosed: Anna's Story
I was diagnosed with Asperger’s when I was 21 years old. I was completely unaware of my difficulties until I was a teenager, and when I...
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Aspie Trainers
Sep 5, 20174 min read
Beyond the Stereotype
All people with autism find it difficult to relate to, and communicate with, other people. People with autism usually find change...
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Aspie Trainers
Sep 5, 20174 min read
Returning to JobCentre Plus, this time whilst in work!
A morning (un)like many others I woke up this morning with the customary belly ache I get before delivering a training session. Imagine...
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Aspie Trainers
Sep 5, 20174 min read
Starting from the middle
Knowing where to start To mark our first blog post, I thought it would be good to start from the beginning, that is, to write about my...
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Aspie Trainers
Apr 4, 20172 min read
3 tips for working alongside autistic individuals
It's April, which means that #AutismAwarenessMonth is here again. Aspie Trainers are hoping to achieve more than #AutismAwareness,...
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Aspie Trainers
Oct 18, 201611 min read
Aspiring Against Aspie Angst
Anxiety is the one constant in life; when I’m not anxious I feel strange. I often feel like there’s something ineffable which I should...
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